odgi position

position parts of the graph as defined by query criteria


odgi position [-i, –target=FILE] [OPTION]…


The odgi position(1) command translates positions and coordinate ranges between nodes and embedded paths. It provides liftover functionality, allowing us to translate a position between any reference paths embedded in the -i, --target graph. We can additionally project coordinates and annotations from a source graph -x, --source into the target. When completing this “graph lift”, the intersecting set of paths in the two graphs are used to complete the coordinate projection.


Graph Files IO

-i, –target=FILE
Describe positions in this graph.
-x, –source=FILE
Translate positions from this graph into the target graph using common --lift-paths shared between both graphs [default: use the same source/target graph]

Position Options

-r, –ref-paths=STRING
Translate the given positions into positions relative to this reference path.
-R, –ref-paths=FILE
Use the ref-paths in FILE.
-l, –lift-path=STRING
Lift positions from --source to --target via coordinates in this path common to both graphs [default: all common paths between --source and --target].
-g, –graph-pos=[[node_id][,offset[,(+|-)]**]**]
A graph position, e.g. 42,10,+ or 302,0,-.
-F, –path-pos-file=FILE
A file with one path position per line.
-b, –bed-input=FILE
A BED file of ranges in paths in the graph to lift into the target graph -v, --give-graph-pos emit graph positions.
-v, –give-graph-pos
Emit graph positions (node,offset,strand) rather than path positions.
-I, –all-immediate
Emit all positions immediately at the given graph/path position.
-d, –search-radius=STRING
Limit coordinate conversion breadth-first search up to DISTANCE bp from each given position [default: 10000].


-t, –threads=N
Number of threads to use.

Program Information

-h, –help
Print a help message for odgi position.