.. _odgi test: ######### odgi test ######### run odgi unit tests SYNOPSIS ======== **odgi test** [ …] [*OPTION*]… DESCRIPTION =========== The odgi test(1) command starts all unit tests that are implemented in odgi. For targeted testing, a subset of tests can be selected. odgi test(1) depends on `Catch2 `__. In the default setting, all results are printed to stdout. OPTIONS ======= Testing Options --------------- | **-l, –list-tests** | List all test cases. If a pattern was specified, all matching test cases are listed. | **-t, –list-tags** | List all tags. If a pattern was specified, all matching tags are listed. | **-s, –success** | Include successful tests in output. | **-b, –break** | Break into debugger mode upon failed test. | **-e, –nothrow** | Skip exception tests. | **-i, –invisibles** | Show invisibles like tabs or newlines. | **-o, –out**\ =\ *FILE* | Write all output to *FILE*. | **-r, –reporter**\ =\ *STRING* | Reporter to use. Default is console. | **-n, –name**\ =\ *STRING* | Suite name. | **-a, –abort** | Abort at first failure. | **-x, –abortx**\ =\ *N* | Abort after *N* failures. | **-w, –warn**\ =\ *STRING* | Enable warnings. | **-d, –durations**\ =\ *yes|no* | Show test durations. Default is *no*. | **-f, –input-file**\ =\ *FILE* | Load test names from a file. | **-#, –filenames-as-tags** | Adds a tag for the file name. | **-c, –section**\ =\ *STRING* | Specify the section to run the tests on. | **-v, –verosity**\ =\ *quiet|normal|high* | Set output verbosity. Default is *normal*. | **–list-test-names-only** | List all test cases names only. If a pattern was specified, all matching test cases are listed. | **–list-reporters** | List all reporters. | **–order**\ =\ *decl|lex|rand* | Test case order. Default ist *decl*. | **–rng-seed**\ =\ *time|number* | Set a specific seed for random numbers. | **–use-color**\ =\ *yes|no* | Should the output be colorized? Default is *yes*. | **–libidentify** | Report name and version according to libidentify. | **–wait-for-keypress**\ =\ *start|exit|both* | Waits for a keypress before *start|exit|both*. | **–benchmark-resolution-multiple** | Multiple of clock resolution to run benchmarks. Program Information ------------------- | **-?, -h, –help** | Print a help message for **odgi test**. .. EXIT STATUS =========== | **0** | Success. | **1** | Failure (syntax or usage error; parameter error; file processing failure; unexpected error). BUGS ==== Refer to the **odgi** issue tracker at https://github.com/pangenome/odgi/issues.