.. _odgi kmers: ######### odgi kmers ######### show and characterize the kmer space of the graph SYNOPSIS ======== **odgi kmers** [**-i, –idx**\ =\ *FILE*] [**-c, –stdout**] [*OPTION*]… DESCRIPTION =========== Given a kmer length, the odgi kmers(1) command can emit all kmers. The output can be refined by setting the maximum number of furcations at edges or by not considering nodes above a given node degree limit. OPTIONS ======= Graph Files IO -------------- | **-i, –idx**\ =\ *FILE* | File containing the succinct variation graph to convert from. The file name usually ends with *.og*. | **-c, –stdout**\ = | Write the kmers to standard output. Kmers are line-separated. Kmer Options ------------ | **-k, –kmer-length**\ =\ *N* | The kmer length to generate kmers from. | **-e, –max-furcations**\ =\ *N* | Break at edges that would induce this many furcations when generating a kmer. | **-D, –max-degree**\ =\ *N* | Don’t take nodes into account that have a degree greater than *N*. Threading --------- | **-t, –threads**\ =\ *N* | Number of threads to use. Program Information ------------------- | **-h, –help** | Print a help message for **odgi kmers**. .. EXIT STATUS =========== | **0** | Success. | **1** | Failure (syntax or usage error; parameter error; file processing failure; unexpected error). BUGS ==== Refer to the **odgi** issue tracker at https://github.com/pangenome/odgi/issues.